Wednesday, 4 December
14:00 - 16:00
Pre-conference workshop
Fighting against fake news and manipulation of history: a democratic challenge for young people

Room 8 (Offline)
In the era of rapid technological advancement and the pervasive influence of social media, the proliferation of misinformation and deliberate historical distortions has become increasingly prevalent and often used for political ends. While no age or socio-professional category is exempt from these worrying phenomena, which undermine critical thinking and reason, the younger generations are particularly exposed to these abuses. Any educational shortcomings in this area can contribute to the abandonment of the democratic and humanist values defended by the Council of Europe. Fake news and the manipulation of history are a major challenge facing the future of democracy but how can we help young people to combat these phenomena?
Media Trainer on digital citizenship and disinformation, Belgium
Media Trainer on digital citizenship and disinformation, Belgium
Researcher in disinformation and media trainer, Funky Citizens, Romania
Researcher in disinformation and media trainer, Funky Citizens, Romania
Secondary Education teacher and member of DICSO research group (University of Murcia), IES Foramontanos, Spain
Secondary Education teacher and member of DICSO research group (University of Murcia), IES Foramontanos, Spain
Lauren PRAY,
Executive Committee Member, European Students’ Union, Prague (Czech Republic), member of the History Working Group (GT-HIST), Council of Europe
Executive Committee Member, European Students’ Union, Prague (Czech Republic), member of the History Working Group (GT-HIST), Council of Europe
Presentation of the HISTOLAB Toolkit for History Classes: Debunking Fake News and Fostering Critical Thinking by Eve RYAN, Project Officer, History Education Division, Council of Europe